Driving down Midtown, viewing the people and things we couldn't find 3 miles to the North of where we now were, exploring Grand and Main street, past the Liberty Memorial and then the Country Club plaza, feeling like we were wise beyond our years for getting out of the suburbs and exploring the streets of downtown KC.even if it was for just a few hours here and there. Tools (620) 241-8181 504 S Walnut St Mcpherson, KS 67460 9. We felt grown-up and mature, like we were getting away from the mundane lifestyle of the Suburbs.why weren't all the kids at school driving on the colorful, interesting streets? While they were all back "north of the river" at parties, we were exploring our world.or at least as far as we could go before curfew. (more) ch-loved car downtown in the evening, watching the lights and sights and feeling liberated as soon as we crossed the well-lit Paseo bridge.
My friends and I would pile into my car (buckled up, of course.even before it was the law) and I would drive my older but mu
Some of my favorite memories of driving in Kansas City were when I was in high school and would explore downtown, away from the familiar safety of my Northland neighborhood. Then in the winter months you have the ability to see all of the homes decorated for the special season and the lights you see while driving through that area and into the lights is spectacular and definitely worth the drive. From driving a car I could hardly stand to more than likely owning one of the more historical Ward Parkway homes would be a dream, and no matter what car, it is always worth driving that way. And I must say driving down fantasy lane would have to be one of my favorite pastimes. I love to turn on my favorite music playlist and take a drive down fantasy lane. The homes are somewhat of a goal to look forward to with hard work and dedication to saving and investments. You are able to view homes within the price range of blue collar workers all the way to the homes of the wealthy. I prefer beautiful houses and landscaping on Ward Parkway. If you want to you can make your route as scenic as you wish. I love to take a drive from my home in Waldo area out to the plaza. RedMax and other products and feature marks are registered and unregistered trademarks of Husqvarna group. My favorite road to drive in Kansas City would have to be Ward Parkway.